Camp is over, now what?
Guess I'm gonna work at American Tug again. I don't no how to feel about this.
It's good because I will have more money to save up.
Bad, because I have to return to the real world of sweat, swear words, and fiber glass.
It's stupid hot outside, multiple that by a warehouse full of machines, people, dust, and chemicals.
I'm horrible at making decisions.
It's like this.
You know when your in the shower, there's soap and water and it's pleasant. Then you're done, you're all clean and done but you don't get out because the towel part sucks. It's all cold and wet and boring. (that's what she said). So you're just stuck there in the water not wanting to come out.............. maybe this is a bad example and I'm just weird.
Anyway I'm said and excited camp is over. Its gonna be scary and exciting going back to Olympia and acting like an adult. Tasha, Laurel, and i found this beach cabin to rent from it rocks. But, for once not everything is set up for me. I'm running in slightly blind. Last year I had the RA thing set up, which meant food and and shelter in exchange for a job I could slack at. This time I have to manage working, school and managing the money correctly. And I'm not even thinking about the main reason I'm in Olympia, college. I have to read this damn book before class, and I'm not ready to read all the time again.
I really got interested in marine life this summer, makes me almost want to be a marine biologist,
I also thought one time, what if i was a nurse.
To bad my memory sucks and I'm a third through school with a bag full of history, economics and the world is shit!
Oh well I'll rock it somehow. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna take a theatre class this spring to spice things up a bit.
For my first paycheck of the summer I ordered the Twin Peaks Series on DVD. I'm in Lynch paradise.