I'm flying down from Bellingham to San Diego and road trip'n up back to Olympia with Matt Louv.
It will be all hella Jack Kerouac.
Apperently flying from Bellingham is pretty cheap.
And this is the first time I have ever flown by myself. I'm kind of terrified to be honest.
Not the actually flight part but the airport part.
Those of you that have seen me drive in Seattle or Portland know what I'm talking about.
Lots of people and signs and lights and getting somewhere at a time. I've always had someone there. I feel like this is a big step into the whole adulthood thing.
Airports and hospitals, they just scare the fuck out of me.
I don't even know all those security rules?
Oh wells it will be fun. The open road, fishing, sandy beaches, red woods, gatorade, and those pretty ladies.

Rich kid!
dude, those don't exist anymore. AMERICA IS NOT ROMANTIC.
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