Haven't blogged in awhile. Hands have been to tired from finishing that paper.
This Spring Break has been kinda different. Went home for 4 days at the end of eval week, then spent the rest of break in Olympia. Feeling more and more like home here. More Friends here.
Donovan is moving to Seattle. This makes me kinda sad and happy, because when I come home he will likely not be around, but he will be closer in Seattle and it will be fun excuse to go to the big city.
The old man had his gull bladder removed and was walking around like a crazy person in the garage on vico!
I am super excited about my class this quarter. I'm glad Matty Louv is in it too. Like the olden days of freshmen year.
Also excited about Operation Not Having any Fun! Hella camping! Bridgetown Comedy Festival sounds fun too.
Haven't heard from Camp Kirby yet. Making my nervous. I may have to go to Alaska! Yikes!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Give you some poop for wheat
I'm currently on Laurels computer because for the first time since probably when I bought my computer at the end of my senior year in high school Windows is making me sign in!
I have know idea what it is. I can't do anything on that damn computer. I've tried all sorts of things. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, I have that paper to write for my contract and if i don't figure it out soon this means writing in the library. And although my W and R keys stick I still love tying on my computer. Home field advantage.
20-30 page paper...................fuck me.
In good news I got in the class I wanted! Educating on the Wild Side. I get to learn about ecology and work with kids in parks and go camping. Fun!
Do you know what's not fun? Settlers of Katan. Fuck that game!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Post 100! It should be about something Important
And it is.
I was in the store today, and now that I can turn my sugar blinders off, I noticed THIS!
Will somebody tell me
And THIS is what a Hostess Fruit Pie should look like. Mmmmmm my favorite, blackberry.
I'm sure there's not as many people in the world that care about this as much as I do.
Oh wait.
I first fell in love with these delicious diabetes filled gooey treats way back in the day when the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie was coming out and you could get cards with them. Blackberry is pretty much the only kind I eat, but it's just not the same without the magician.
Okay, enough of this. Since it's my 100th post lets take a look back at what I was doing when I started this blog. It was last year, I was a sophomore and a RA on campus. The fall of that year I was in possibly the best class I have or will ever take at Evergreen, American Eye. I was learning the basics of black and white photography. I don't think I hated my job yet. Went to Cabella's and wrote about it. This leads to another funny story in self reflection
In a game of marry, baff(fuck), kill among friends, Tasha brought up the options of freshman year Charlie, sophomore year Charlie, and Junior year Charlie.
In all the answers sophomore year Charlie gets killed. Wonder what that means.
It was a toss up on Jr. and freshmen year Charlie getting baffed and married.
I was in the store today, and now that I can turn my sugar blinders off, I noticed THIS!
Will somebody tell me
And THIS is what a Hostess Fruit Pie should look like. Mmmmmm my favorite, blackberry.
I'm sure there's not as many people in the world that care about this as much as I do.
Oh wait.
I first fell in love with these delicious diabetes filled gooey treats way back in the day when the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie was coming out and you could get cards with them. Blackberry is pretty much the only kind I eat, but it's just not the same without the magician.
Okay, enough of this. Since it's my 100th post lets take a look back at what I was doing when I started this blog. It was last year, I was a sophomore and a RA on campus. The fall of that year I was in possibly the best class I have or will ever take at Evergreen, American Eye. I was learning the basics of black and white photography. I don't think I hated my job yet. Went to Cabella's and wrote about it. This leads to another funny story in self reflection
In a game of marry, baff(fuck), kill among friends, Tasha brought up the options of freshman year Charlie, sophomore year Charlie, and Junior year Charlie.
In all the answers sophomore year Charlie gets killed. Wonder what that means.
It was a toss up on Jr. and freshmen year Charlie getting baffed and married.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Turning 21
Its been a pretty active week or so.
My birthday has been awesome I kind of feel guilty how spoiled i have been. It's like I've been celebrating for a week.
First I get a bike from my Dad early in February and new phone from my mom.
On Wednesday the 25th (actual B-day) I ruin a mini surprise party Tasha gathered. It was suppose to be rehearsal for her film, which I am always late for, but I happened to be about 30 minutes early to this one because I had ice cream cake(mom, again) that could melt. Oh well it was still fun. She set up a cornucopia of sugar filled treats, day olds from Wagners. AMAZING. what a sugar rush, followed by a stomach ache. Matt Louv, Freddy D, and Lauren were there to.
Then Matt Louv gave me a gift, a freaking fishing pool! no wait a rod and reel with line. So great!
And later that night when he, Claire and Brian went out to the bars with me he paid for my first drink. Oh and that night, what a night.
Claire has video footage of me doing a monologue about being in the civil war and writing letters home. That was toward the end of the night after the jager bomber......which DESTROYED me.
The first place we went was the Brother Hood, turned out to be my favorite of the night
I has a rum and coke, chocolate cake, and white Russian.
Then Jake's, free thing, watermelon jolly rancher, taste just like it too
I was going to do karaoke, but it took to long. $4 Hot dogs!
Lastly Charlies, where they gave me a jager bomb.........fuck
Thursday, one of the last TV nights. Cooked dinner for people.
Friday, was the big party. A LOT of people came. hella cereal, still eating it. Got pretty silly and drunk.
Tasha, Corbin, and Amanda got me this big ass fully automatic nerf gun called the vulcan
Lilly got me a really cute dinosaur sandwich cutter
Matt O. and Mark got me an American themed bag, with Jeff Gordon poster, so funny
I got a very cute hand made card from Celena
And an army of cereal boxes!
Thank you everyone for be so great and making it such a fun birthday!
Oh before hand Tasha and I went to pick up Nathan in Tacoma. Bought Alcohol from a liquor store and for the first time. It felt so forbidden, like I was getting away with something. I felt like my ID was fake even though it wasn't. felt that way when I would first walk into a bar.
Drinking is so weird and I'm still trying to figure it out.
So far I've concluded it's a socially acceptable way for adults to act silly and more like a kid
My birthday has been awesome I kind of feel guilty how spoiled i have been. It's like I've been celebrating for a week.
First I get a bike from my Dad early in February and new phone from my mom.
On Wednesday the 25th (actual B-day) I ruin a mini surprise party Tasha gathered. It was suppose to be rehearsal for her film, which I am always late for, but I happened to be about 30 minutes early to this one because I had ice cream cake(mom, again) that could melt. Oh well it was still fun. She set up a cornucopia of sugar filled treats, day olds from Wagners. AMAZING. what a sugar rush, followed by a stomach ache. Matt Louv, Freddy D, and Lauren were there to.
Then Matt Louv gave me a gift, a freaking fishing pool! no wait a rod and reel with line. So great!
And later that night when he, Claire and Brian went out to the bars with me he paid for my first drink. Oh and that night, what a night.
Claire has video footage of me doing a monologue about being in the civil war and writing letters home. That was toward the end of the night after the jager bomber......which DESTROYED me.
The first place we went was the Brother Hood, turned out to be my favorite of the night
I has a rum and coke, chocolate cake, and white Russian.
Then Jake's, free thing, watermelon jolly rancher, taste just like it too
I was going to do karaoke, but it took to long. $4 Hot dogs!
Lastly Charlies, where they gave me a jager bomb.........fuck
Thursday, one of the last TV nights. Cooked dinner for people.
Friday, was the big party. A LOT of people came. hella cereal, still eating it. Got pretty silly and drunk.
Tasha, Corbin, and Amanda got me this big ass fully automatic nerf gun called the vulcan
Lilly got me a really cute dinosaur sandwich cutter
Matt O. and Mark got me an American themed bag, with Jeff Gordon poster, so funny
I got a very cute hand made card from Celena
And an army of cereal boxes!
Thank you everyone for be so great and making it such a fun birthday!
Oh before hand Tasha and I went to pick up Nathan in Tacoma. Bought Alcohol from a liquor store and for the first time. It felt so forbidden, like I was getting away with something. I felt like my ID was fake even though it wasn't. felt that way when I would first walk into a bar.
Drinking is so weird and I'm still trying to figure it out.
So far I've concluded it's a socially acceptable way for adults to act silly and more like a kid
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