Its been a pretty active week or so.
My birthday has been awesome I kind of feel guilty how spoiled i have been. It's like I've been celebrating for a week.
First I get a bike from my Dad early in February and new phone from my mom.
On Wednesday the 25
th (actual B-day) I ruin a mini surprise party Tasha gathered. It was suppose to be rehearsal for her film, which I am always late for, but I happened to be about 30 minutes early to this one because I had ice cream cake(mom, again) that could melt. Oh well it was still fun. She set up a cornucopia of sugar filled treats, day
olds from
Wagners. AMAZING. what a sugar rush, followed by a stomach ache. Matt
Louv, Freddy D, and Lauren were there to.
Then Matt
Louv gave me a gift, a freaking fishing pool! no wait a rod and reel with line. So great!
And later that night when he, Claire and Brian went out to the bars with me he paid for my first drink. Oh and that night, what a night.
Claire has video footage of me doing a monologue about being in the civil war and writing letters home. That was toward the end of the night after the
jager bomber......which DESTROYED me.
The first place we went was the Brother Hood, turned out to be my favorite of the night
I has a rum and coke, chocolate cake, and white Russian.
Then Jake's, free thing, watermelon jolly rancher, taste just like it too
I was going to do karaoke, but it took to long. $4 Hot dogs!
Lastly Charlies, where they gave me a
jager bomb.........fuck
Thursday, one of the last TV nights. Cooked dinner for people.
Friday, was the big party. A LOT of people came.
hella cereal, still eating it. Got pretty silly and drunk.
Tasha, Corbin, and Amanda got me this big ass
fully automatic nerf gun called the vulcanLilly got me a really cute dinosaur sandwich cutter
Matt O. and Mark got me an American themed bag, with Jeff Gordon poster, so funny
I got a very cute hand made card from
Celena And an army of cereal boxes!
Thank you everyone for be so
great and making it such a fun birthday!
Oh before hand Tasha and I went to pick up Nathan in Tacoma. Bought Alcohol from a liquor store and for the first time. It felt so forbidden, like I was getting away with something. I felt like my ID was fake even though it wasn't. felt that way when I would first walk into a bar.
Drinking is so weird and I'm still trying to
figure it out.
So far I've concluded it's a
socially acceptable way for adults to act silly and more like a kid