Friday, February 22, 2008

I was meant for the stage

So tonight was the first showing of the play I'm in The Birds. Not the Hitchcock one, but the Greek comedy. It went pretty well, I got a bunch of laughs. A group of my friends were there also, it was really awesome to see them come out and watch me.

Being in this play has rebooted my love of theatre. I'm riding on some confidence and want to bring it into more plays at Evergreen. There is no other feeling like being on stage, feeling the laughs of other people charge you up like a battery.

I was joking with my friends about writing or directing my own play. Matt said I should write one about my imagination and what goes on in my head. Even though it sounds really cocky I kind of want to now. A theatrical display of the inside of my head. That's kind of the purpose of my blog but this would be visual. Maybe my ego is getting out of control.
.............Yes, I'd play myself.

A play I've always wanted to be in is Harvey. Plays at Evergreen are just so full of politics, sex and stuff, which is great too. I just want to do a light hearted fun play.

This lust of the stage has also prompted me to start going to Improv and Sketch meetings after the play.

My Old Man's coming over for the play Saturday to see my play and hang out. That's cool. He's gonna stay in my dorm, I thought it would be weird leaving him there while I go the cast party, but he's cool with it.

This play has also made me care a whole lot less about being shirtless.

I love the Reef.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

If you do a play like that be prepared for some dudes to write some long winded complaint about how there's no point in doing theater if you aren't going to push some agenda.

Not that I'm bitter or anything.