Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Sugar Withdrawls

You never realize how many things have sugar in them until you try not to eat it.
God! Even the healthy cereals have sugar in them. oatmeal? bread?
So I'm letting things like those slide. The idea for this is to stop excessive sugar consumption.

My new roommate Evan bought some Reeses Puffs cereal the other day and it's driving me crazy. They're just sitting on the shelf looking so beautiful.

I went to the Olympia Supply Co. hardware store in downtown, it was amazing. I found everything I needed.

I also went to Wind Me Up toys and in their bathroom they had a germ light thing in the sink.

I hate New Years resolutions are dumb, ahhhhhhhhhh.

1 comment:

roarin said...

Be strong! I want that germ thing